Coronavirus Update 2021: A bar of soap and a pair of gloves goes a long way
We are almost two years into battling with coronavirus now. Things are still not over and some might say it is getting worse. The only thing this virus has been good for the world is that it is not discriminatory, it is not racist! Whether you are rich or poor, young or old, bumi or not, all differences fade away in the face of Coronavirus-19. Now, not even vaccinated is exempted.
A bar of soap goes a long way
Watch how soap totally annihilate Covid-19 viruses on Covid-19 virus is surrounded by a outer ring of protein and oil, which can be easily removed with soap and water.
Washing our hands for 20 seconds is all that is needed to get rid of any traces of viruses on our hands. Remember that.
A pair of gloves go a long way
Many countries are still not using gloves for food preparations. Developing countries need to increase the adoptions.
Government should gives out soap and gloves to all businesses, especially the food and beverage business to increase the awareness of hygiene and reduce the spread of covid-19.
The tightening of SOP has clearly failed. No amount of apologies can ever be enough for the families of the 13,000 whom have died due to lousy planning and implementation.
Some things are just basic and they go a long way.