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Top 7 reasons Malaysians should not work in Singapore because of higher salaries in 2019

T.O.M. 黄耀全
9 min readMar 13, 2019

There are many factors why one chooses to work at home country or a different country altogether. For the purpose of today’s discussion, we are only focusing on one factor: Money. We put so much emphasis on Money today that we lost track of what is really real. Money is not even real.

Malaysians and Singaporeans are really one or the other. We are twins of the same mother, culturally and physically. However, along the history, we are split into two nations that developed differently. Relevant to current time, there is a Malaysian diaspora to Singapore. A number to reckon with: 685,979 Malaysians in Singapore with its native 5.62 Million population. That’s 12% of the population!

Which begs the questions why there are so many Malaysians working in Singapore? For majority of them, it is the Money — SGD of 3x the value of MYR that made the decision for them.

Reason №1 Better Pay due to currency differences

Singapore Dollars is about 3.01 to one Malaysian Ringgit at the point of writing. By crossing the border or flight of an hour away, Malaysians can earn 3 times the salary of an average Malaysian working in Malaysia.

Well, that is the illusion. Let me explain.

Singapore is one of the world’s most expensive city to live in more than New York or Tokyo. eg. Very high cost of living. To survive in Singapore, you need a bare minimum of SGD…



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